Panda's Journey To Skinny

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On this page I'll include a list of links to other web sites that I thought might be usefull or some that I just like whats on their page.
Like the 1st one below is for a free online water calculator. You ever wonder if you are dinking enough water. Well this will tell you. When the page pops up just scroll down a bit and there it is. Just fill in your info and hit calculate and then your answer will apear. It is as simple as that.


Water Calculator

Want to keep track of your progress. Below you will find a web site I am using now. I chose the free addition but maybe you will chose the paid membership. There are places to fill in weight goals, you can keep track of your weight each day if you like. It will tell you how fast you are losing weight and were you will be in a week, 2 weeks, a month and so on. I really like it. Take a look so what you think.

Weight progress tracker

Here is another site to track your progress. It is also free and I use this one too. It offers some things the other site don't. Here you can calculate you food intake and much more for free. At the other site you need to pay for these things. You can even put in all of your exercise or any moving you did at all and it will tell you how many calories you burned.

Another weight progress tracker

If you would like to get a weight tracker like the ones I have here just click on the tracker itself and it will take you to the place to get one of your own. I think they are great.