Panda's Journey To Skinny

Some web pages I really like

Home | I Love Panda Bears | Web Rings | More Web Rings | Current Months Weigh Ins | Daily Food and Thoughts | Past Weigh ins | Mini Goals | Get to know me | Useful Links | Some web pages I really like | A place where I can vent | How you can reach me and TAG ME!! | Nursing School :) | Natural Disasters | Some Organizations I belive in and or belong to | Michigan stuff

Web rings are awesome. You can link so many different categories to your web page and increase the traffic to your web page. If you found this page via a web ring please take a look at the rest of my pages. I am on a journey to be skinny. While I work about 30 hrs a week, attend nursing school full time, and taking care of the house and family of course. So you can see I really get a lot of ME time…NOT! You will find pages with my weigh ins, food logs, my thoughts, some really cool links to other peoples web pages that I like, some awesome links for different weight loss things you might like to take a look at, a whole page about the Giant Panda(which I collect), a page about just me, and of course my web rings pages.

Here are some web sits I just really like. On some of them I found some very useful stuff. Some of their stories of weight loss are like reading my own. I hope you will take time to visit them and find that you like them as much as I did. Just click on the "blinkies" below to visit each of the pages.


