Panda's Journey To Skinny

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This may help you to get to know me better.

Web rings are awesome. You can link so many different categories to your web page and increase the traffic to your web page. If you found this page via a web ring please take a look at the rest of my pages. I am on a journey to be skinny. While I work about 30 hrs a week, attend nursing school full time, and taking care of the house and family of course. So you can see I really get a lot of ME time…NOT! You will find pages with my weigh ins, food logs, my thoughts, some really cool links to other peoples web pages that I like, some awesome links for different weight loss things you might like to take a look at, a whole page about the Giant Panda(which I collect), a page about just me, and of course my web rings pages.

Hi I am Panda. I have had a weight problem most of my life. I was very heavy as a kid. When I hit 7th grade I went to stay with my Aunt in Louisiana for the summer. She is a very thin woman. I dropped a ton of weight. Some because she made me eat the right things and some because I got lots of exercise in. I walked all the time. I also ate tons of oranges. When I came back home I had gone from a ladies size 16 to a size 5. For the 1st time boys noticed me. I stayed thin after that. When I was 16 I got pregnant and I went for weighing 125 lbs to 185 lbs. But after giving birth to a 7 lb 7 oz. Baby boy I went right back down to 125 lbs. I slowly put on a few pounds over the next few years but still looked okay. I am 5’8” tall so my weight should be around 130 to 150. At 23 I weighed 175 lbs and got pregnant again. I was a whopping 223 lbs when I gave birth to an 8 lb 8 oz. Baby boy. It was harder losing the weight after the 2nd baby. I got down to about 185 lbs. And stayed there for a long time. In 1997 a lot of changes happened in my life. That was the year I started to slowly put on this weight. My top weight was 250 lbs. But I was 245 lbs when I started this diet on 7/11/05. I can’t believe that I ever let myself get this big. Of course I don’t have a mirror in my house except in the bathroom to brush my teeth. But once I started seeing pictures that people had taken of me I was horrified. I have spent thousands of dollars on all kinds of things to lose weight and nothing seemed to work for me. So I started my own diet. And as long as I am losing I will keep it up. 

I was born 2/1/70 at Lapeer Co. General in Lapeer, Michigan. I have lived in Michigan my whole life pretty much. For a very short time as a small child I did live in Huston, Texas. I have always lived within a few miles of my loved ones. That is until 1997 when I lost my home to a fire. I relocated 150 miles from my family. I miss them something terrible.

I had a hysterectomy 5/10/05 and also had 10 lbs. of tumor removed. I am sadden tht I had to have the hysterectomy but also happy to be free from all the pain. I started my cycle at the age of 9yrs old. By the time I was 15yrs old I found out I had Endometriosis. So many yrs. I spent suffering. It had control over my whole life. 90% of the time I was sick. I had 2 miscarriages along the way. It is nice to be able to live a more normal life.

I am the mother of two boys Ryan born 7/28/87 & Toby 2/14/93. I am also the grandmother of a girl Brianna born 8/4/03. I live with my soulmate Brian. We have been together since March 5th of 97'. We have 2-dogs Max & BJ, and 2-cats Jenny & Precious.

Well I am sure your bored to death with my life now so I will end this.

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Some of my favorite movies:

Any Shirley Temple, Any Westly Snipes

My favorite color is Green.
My favorite number is 4.


Some of the diets I have tried.
Atkins & other low carb, low fat, cabbage soup, no meat, all fruit & veggies, Susanne Somers, Great American Slim Down, Richard Simmons(several of his), 3 hour diet, 1400 cal, 1200 cal, fasting on and off.
There are more when I think of them I will come back and put them in. I have bought tons of diet crap. Wasted so much money it just isn't funny.

Right now I am a full time nursing student and I work part time a bar averaging about 28-30hrs a week. I will begin my clinical rotation for the LPN program 8/29/05. I am very nervous about getting back to school. I know this term will be much harder then all the prerequisite terms put together. I don’t know how I am going to pull off working and school. But I am going to give it a go. If I do make it through this program I will be a 2006 grad. Then I will get right back in to go another year for the RN program. If I make it through that I will be a 2007 grad. Hmm we will see.